Tuesday, October 6, 2009


It's not just emotional pain. It's physical.
I never thought it would get this intense, and yet here I am at midnight, blogging about it.
I hurt.
And it's a happy hurt, yet sad at the same time. Like a... I dunno. I can't even begin to make this coherent.

I walk around with a goofy grin plastered to my face whenever I see him. Guaranteed. It lasts roughly fifteen minutes, and I'm damn good at pushing it under a facade now, but you get what I mean. It's that happy-happy joy-joy, 'I can do f**king anything right now', on-top-of-the-world feeling. And it terrifies me. What am I supposed to do with this? Do I talk to him and get rejected and have that feeling shattered, or do I go on living with this amazingly sweet pain in the pit of my stomach?

Mmmmmeh. Emotional pensiveness is un-fun. But at least I'm not clogging up FaceBook anymore. :)


  1. Tell 'im.

    It's ballsy and gutsy and terrifying, but not impossible. Also it's cleansing. Trust me.

    When I was in that kind of a situation, I made a pact with a gal-pal who also had an infatuation. If one of us told our respective crushes, then the other would have to go through with telling hers within a week. No take-backs.

    Honestly, what's the worst that could happen? ;)

  2. -twitch-

    Well, he could totally reject me and things would be forever awkward, for one.

    Or he could say yes, and I'd freak out, and he's think about changing his mind. I could go on.

    ...I can't. I just can't. It's terrifying. And ballsy. And gutsy.

    And I have neither balls nor guts. :D

  3. Poppycock! You're plenty gutsy!

    Kind of!

    Sort of.

    XD Hmm. Well, I guess those are your options. Silently agonize or spill the beans.
