Thursday, December 3, 2009


It scares me how I can come up with eye-opening revelations while I'm completely HYPAH-HYPAH-OH-MAH-GAWD.
...I've got a spoon hanging off my nose while I'm typing this. Dear God, what is wrong with me?

But I digress.

Take a moment. Think about yourself three, four, five years ago. Compare yourself to that age. Have you grown? Regressed? What have you learned?

I was skimming over my dA account this morning ((Like, half an hour ago. It's morning. Deal with it.)) and I just had to laugh at some of the art and literature I put up. It's like--"Wow, Katelynn. How far you've come..." But for serious. It's kinda neat, to see how you've grown through the years. deviantART is awesome for that. You build an account when you're younger, obsess over it for a year or so, then kinda drop away. I still go back semi-frequently, but meh. It's neat, though. ^_^ Old usernames, old RPs, old favorite pieces... Reminiscence FTW!!

-shamelessly advertises-
Huzzah, homepayge!! -clickmehplz-

/end profoundness

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