Monday, December 7, 2009

Fudgesicles, anyone?

So I had to go replenish my supply of tea the other night. Because I fought through that AWFUL raspberry herbal crap, and I'm all out of mint. So I got some more mint, and some chamomile. Love that stuff. And there's nothing quite like coming home from class with NO FEELING IN YOUR HANDS and trying to make a glass of hot tea. Tasty fun, aye.

..Hey, did I mention that it's BALLS COLD outside right now? And it doesn't look like it's gonna warm up anytime soon? -mutters obscenities about the temperature-

Uhm... what did Katelynn do today that's worth blogging about...?
Ooh. Fun. :3 Went to the mall to listen to bassoons play Christmas music. It was pretty much awesome. Pretty much. Yeah. Then went and got a friend's notebook bound--gonna do mine tomorrow morning. Bright an' early, aye! Then we went to grab fooooooood, since we had the munchies. And I'm being horrible in saying that McDonald's hates me because I'm black, but playing the race card is SO MUCH FUN at times. But yeah. The black kid gets cold fries, but we'll give the white guy a BRAND-SPANKIN'-NEW batch of HAWT fries.

:D I love my race cards.

Random interjection. BOND=bandgasm!! Love their music!! SO MUCH!! They make me revert to the "OMG I really wish I could play violin" mode that I thought I had grown out of. Oops.

And CRAP. It is BALLS COLD outside!! Example: I left my tea in the car when we went to McD's. We got back into the car. Tea was frozen. Frickin' FROZEN.

...Hah. I just read a status update on Facebook. It's rather ironic. -licks metal pole-

Mmm.... Irony.

Except I wouldn't be licking a metal pole in this weather--I'd lose my effing tongue. I did that once in first grade. Couldn't taste a thing for a week or so. It hurt sooooooo bad. X(


*cough* Anywho.

In summary--It's cold in Idaho. Bassoons are epic. Music is amazing. McDonald's is... alright, for now. And I LOVE MAH ROOMIE!! <3 <3

COLD. -points to fingers- Frozen. Chocolate. Mm.

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