Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Back in the Loop!

M-kay. My previous attempt at keeping anything that vaguely resembled a blog died after high school. Now that I'm in college--and able to reconnect with most of the friends I've made over the magic of the Interwebs--I'ma try my hand at this again.

SO. Here goes... somethin'.

As of now, school is pretty bomb. I just got a haircut, which is wickedly cute in most people's opinions. Dropped my Journalism major to focus solely on la Musica... something I'll never regret.

Seriously, folks. There are some awesome people in this Music Program. For reals. You've got the funny ones, the serious ones, the funny drunks, the serious drunks, the resident psycho, the flutes, the trumpets (who need hats three sizes larger than anyone else), the saxophones (WOOT!), and everybody else.

And then there's me. But you know about me.

So... Yeah. Quick blurb for a first post. Yay, me.

...Gawd, this layout needs to be changed...