Tuesday, July 20, 2010

No One Ever Reads These Things, Anyway.

1) I love you more than most would think necessary. Oh, well. Suppose it's not really their problem, now is it? But, yeah. I worry about how much you mean to me, and I think far too much about it. I need to quit it, but I honestly don't think my mind can really give it up. Dang.

2) Had a dream the other night. Didn't like it. Everyone was going to this big party, and they were gettin' all fancied up and stuff, and they all had dates. Everyone. Except me, naturally. So I sat, alone, for about an hour in this dream. Just me. No music, even!! And I disliked it. I've never been so close to tears because of a friggin' DREAM before. Meh.

3) I'm listening to the four teaser tracks that Intervision has had on their site for about four months now. And my brain is like EXPLOSION!! YOU MUST GET THIS ALBUM, KATELYNNNNNN!! DO IT NOW! Like HOLEY PHUCK, that man is a musical genius. Not sure how he does it, but all his songs make my brain go through soundgasms. And I really need to get my hands on the CD. Click -->THIS<--and you will see what I mean. The man's voice is AMAZING, and I NEEEEEEED more of his orgasmic vocal drugs.

4) Thoughts of you, mixed with the amazing colors and songs of Intervision, creates a very enjoyable cocoon of content that I can sink into. It's like a being underwater sort of feeling - having the pressure of the water all around you - but you can actually breathe. It makes my heart smile.

5) I miss my cat.

6) 'm not entirely sure why I'm writing all this on the here and now, but whatever. Intervision is amazing. Have I ever told y'all this slight fact? Like, really. I DARE YOU to listen to their three albums and NOT find a song that you identify with. Lalala, so very random right now.

7) I've reached a point where I can safely say that prolonged exposure to certain types of music has an effect comparable to people on a range of different substances. Take now, for instance. INTERVISION has effectively plunged me into a mildly self-pitying, interpretive, introspective thoughtbox that is useless to anyone for the next hour or so. Yey, drugs that I can't get in trouble for abusing.

8) "Sailors be warned, it's a red sky mornin'; the makin's of a perilous day..."

9) I don't want to be alone for the rest of mine life, noes. I also don't want to attempt another relationship and have it not work out. First time sucked enough as it is. Don't want to go through it again. No, no. I'll pass on that lovely little experience. However, I also know that if I'm too scared to try again, there's an even smaller chance that I'll end up with someone. What a vicious, furious cycle.

10) It's really weird. But. Out of the people I've genuinely liked (I can count them on one hand), The only ones. Who have actually liked me back. Are untouchable. I don't know if anyone else realizes how much that messes with one's mind. It's like, "Oh, you like me? I like you, too! Unfortunately, I don't like your genitals, so we can't be together." The irony in this next statement made me laugh, but I must write it to maybe sufficiently pass across my mindset at the moment, and maybe for longer than just this moment. Fuck. Genitals. (Immature mind goes 'Hee~') Like, seriously. Am I the only one who doesn't care what kind of underwear they wear? It's a personality thing, that I'm attracted to. And I'm RIDICULOUSLY in love with your personality, darling. However, you had to bring to light the fact that you dun like my underwears.

...Shit. I've just now realized (after the music has stopped and my mind is somewhat cooling) that I'm ranting about gay men and underwear. Dayum, Katelynn. This is almost a new low for you. V_V

 Last bit of music-induced bullshit before I leave you alone: I don't build walls to keep people out. I build them because I'm terrified that no one will love me enough to climb over them. And I realize how much sense that didn't make. Fuck.

...I need more Intervision.

Friday, July 2, 2010


So... Yeah. Not gonna lie, today's been pretty epic so far. All things considered, and such.

Spent the night at Kyle's, 'cuz I didn't feel like heading home after Jenni ABANDONED ME. Crashed on his futon thing, yeah. Listen to his futhermucking phone go off a MILLION FUTHERMUCKING TIMES before I finally ignored it and kinda went to sleep... right before my alarm went off. Then it was like, "Heyyyy, Kyle. You should come with me on my route."

Then we commenced to beat the everliving shit out of my paper route with a stick.

It was raining, and that kinda sucked, but we saw an owl, and it sat in the middle of the road and stared at us for a few seconds before flying off.

Did I mention we beat the shit out of the route? Like, shaved fifteen minutes off my normal time. It was kinda awesome.

Went to McDonald's for brekkist, nom. Laughed about how entirely epic people could be, should be, might be, and aren't. (And apparently, one of the LHSOM Professors knows that I'm a synaesthete. And now I'm trying to figure out how he found out. o.o) Anywho, came home, started playing Fable II, NAPPED, woke up, NAPPED AGAIN, woke up, downed some coffee and played a bit more Fable, yeh. Drank some coffee, first coffee I've had since finals week and MMMMM, it's good. Like, dayum.

Yeah. Coffee. Mmm.

Oh. And I've decided once more that I fail as a girl in SO many hardcore nerdy ways. Example? My GBA/NDS emulator. Zoids: Legacy. It's a funfun game. Was playing through it, and getting WAYYYY too into it. Like, I love that game so damn much. Zoids is the shit, dudes and dudettes. And there are some very, very, very, and yet again VERY sexy pancake Zoids out there. Like, seriously. Tasty as all hell. Blitz Tiger. Like, me-yow.


I'm done. I'm not done failing as a girl, but yeah. Love it hardcore.

...Fire Emblem for my emulator? DON'T MIND IF I DO!!! -flees, laughing hystericaly-