Monday, October 12, 2009

Manik Munday

Tonight was too epic to go unchronicled. That, and I'm still kinda sorta hyper just a lot.


Met up with Lashily after J-j-j-jazz Choir, chilled for a few minutes at Targhee before heading off to Safari Pearl to get Costume details. Parked a few blocks away, walked a few blocks until I remembered where the freaking place was, then stared at the fangs and colored contacts in their pretty glass cases. o_o It was fun. Picked up some makeup, a cape, top-and-bottom fangs, and colored contacts. They didn't have the cat's eyes, and that made me sad. :(


Left Safari Pearl, headed to Goodwill, almost bought a sexy black top--until I discovered that it was a maternity shirt--and THAT ENDED RIGHT THERE.

ONTO WAL*MART! Saw Kara and Cari and Derrek, bought some munchies and argued about the pronunciation of certain words. ((It's PILLOW, darling. Not PELLOW.)) From Wal*Mart to WinCo! Bought food and a BUNCH of granola. Om nom nom.

And since we hadn't eaten since, like... 10:30, we decided to dig up some dinner. And golden arches look mighty alluring when you're hyper as hell and driving a little red car. ((Or maybe it's just me. I'm strange liek that. Baha.))

So we went to the Donald's of Mc--they have a great Uncyclopedia page, by the way--and ate. Reminisced about how sick of McD's we were during school, since we'd ALWAYS GO THERE for EVery FREAKing BAND TRIP!

Honor band? Let's go to McDonald's. Districts? McDonald's. Jazz Fest? Well, that was Granny's Buffet in Lewiston. But when that closed, we went to FREAKING MCDONALD'S!!!

...But that was forever a go, and we missed it. So we revisited our favorit-est restaurant ever. <3 Nothing like a McFlurry to revive your McMemories. I had a McSoda, too. To go with my McFries. And my McNuggets. And I had Mc-Hat Hair. No, wait... That's nothing to do with it.


Ashily threw a fry at me. And missed. So she made more work for the poor McSlaves that work there. Way to go, Lash. Because food service doesn't suck enough already. Have you no SOUL!?! -lapses into Subway rant-

And NEWS FLASH!! McFlurries are, apparently, COLD. This was unknown to my dearest pal, who stole my McFlurry on SEVERAL ACCOUNTS and then went through a series of facial expressions as she complained about how cold it was. Being the awesome friend I am, I contributed a polite 'Well, DUH'.

And then we drove home, unloaded Lashily's groceries, drove to Targhee. And, by the way, I am now the owner of the 'MOST EPIC PARALLEL PARKING JOB EVAH' trophy. So if you ever doubt me, go look at my little red car. Yay.

Aaaaaand, now I'm just sitting here, typing with nearly-shaking fingers as I giggle hysterically under my breath. It hurts!!!! So, uhm, yeah. Moral of the story: I rule at parallel parking, McMinions are to be pitied, and Katelynn Inman has some MAJOR hyperactivity issues to work out. BAHAHA!!

Ooh, one more thing: Megan  got me a pair of AFRO PICKS OH MY GAAAAWWWWWD! So happy now! I'm SO TOTALLY Fro-ing tomorrow. Maybe. If I still have enough energy. I hope I don't crash. I have theory tomozzle, and I must be fully functioning to take notes and shoot daggers at my TA simultaneously. It takes some doing, doncha know. ^_^

OKAY. I'm done now, I think.
...Tomorrow's gonna be... interesting.


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