Friday, March 5, 2010

Just a thought--

--so I know this is totally random, but it really intrigued me, and I felt like sharing it. Not sure why, although when I look at the clock and realize how late it is, I can't help but think if the lack of sleep is affecting my mind at all...

Anywho, I was on this random chat site. Omegle. You might've heard of it. Basically, you go and chat with strangers. Which means there are hundreds of creepers. Which means there's much fun to be had when it comes to messing with said creepers. But I digress.

I meet this person, and we talk, and he seems like a genuinely genuine person, which means I'll actually put some effort into talking in a civilized manner. We get to talking, and he asks me what my favorite color is (his is grey, btw. >.>). I tell him it's blue, and he asks why. I get to thinking about it and surprise myself with my answer:

{{Stranger: why is blue your favorite color?

You: ...Because (and this is going to make absolutely no sense whatsoever) I like the way it sounds.}}

....My answer amuses me. I'm not sure why, but that's how I see most music. It has color. Dunno why. Is that too weird..?

{{Stranger: i think i understand. that is novel though, hearing notes being referred to as blue

You: That's how it's always been. Never really thought about it or voiced it before, though. It works for me, though.
You: And different instruments have different colors, and vice versa.
You: Trumpets are brighter, usually reds and yellows and oranges.
You: Flutes are clearer, usually neon colors until their lower ranges. Then it cools down a bit.}}

And now I'm thinking that this is weird. Is it weird? Dunno. It's just a thought. Thought someone might be interested in it. Not sure who, but... yeah. Shutting up now. Going to bed now. >.<

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