Saturday, December 5, 2009


Interesting night. Ran the emotional spectrum again, that's for sure. Day started out pretty shatty. Had a disgustingly uncool Flute Tech session at 9:00. I was, needless to say, disgusted with myself, so after Tech, I headed to Ridenbaugh to 'straighten things out'. Things improved greatly from there.

Quick question: Is it strange that I have a favorite room to practice in? It's a really pretty room... Third floor, window to the gold-permit parking lot below. It's painted a light blue, with a red door. And a handful of ladybugs live in the corner above the window. I love that little room. It's quite live ((read: it echoes way too much)), which is bad when you're trying to work dynamics, but I ADORE THAT ROOM SO MUCH! It's my happy place. <3

After fluting in the Ladybug room for an hour, I went to my lesson with Dr. G. It was epic. Breezed through my technique, and my etude, and worked on my solo for juries. Yey, fun! Got an 'A' for the day!!

Sped home and cranked out a five page essay in two hours. Handed it in. Went to grab food. ((Note to self: End-of-the-day Chinese food isn't as good as you think it would be. Better to get it when it's fresh, yus.)) Laughed with the roomie and the Jenni until I had to flee to J-j-j-jazz Choir. Sung some sooooongs! La musica! We're singing a mass, and I LOVE IT. It makes me happy like none other. ^_^

Uhm... Yeah. Got back home, stressed over my Theory notebook, forced out a few more lectures. Nerded around a bit, drove to the hospital ((in my PJ pants)) to pick up a friend, yey. Got home, nommed some cereal, nerded more. Schemed about creating variously-themed days on FaceBook... Maha. >:D

Random note: There are some freaking ADORABLE songs out there, that are totally random! I was browsing the lists on Playlist the other night, looking for some songs to add to my collection, and I stumbled across this really random song. So I listened. And FELL IN LOVE.
It's Hikari's theme... from Digimon Adventures. XD It is FREAKING ADORABLE! I'm pretty sure I've listened to it over fifty times today. And my next challenge is to learn her on flute. Maha. B'cause learning by ear is tasty fun--and it reminds me of my many summer vacations spent in front of the stereo with a pile of CDs... and my flute. ^_^ So that makes... three that I've done. Two that I've actually figured out--one to go. I love anime soundtracks.

Aaaand, here I sit. Typing blog, listening to Hikari AGAIN. -switches- Eee! Madokaaaaaa!
Blargh. I'm tired. I can't brain anymore. I has the dumb. Time for bedz, my brain says...

Goodnight, everyone. May the morning find you whole and hale. <3

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